COVID19-Response Plan
In-Person Class for the 2021-2022 year.
1st - 5th grade: Classrooms will be designated in the Elementary building and the Annex building.
6th-8th grade will be split into small groups for relational ministry. Each group will have an adult leader. They will meet at St. Joseph's Hall
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are excited to have you and your child(ren) participate in the CCE program this year at Assumption Parish. Our mission is to strive to inspire our youth to trust the word of God through relational ministry and to lead others in Catholic service and tradition. Fr. Timothy, Karen Tayao-Rodarte (DRE), the Catechists, and aides are committed to supplementing what you do at home in the “Domestic Church”. Your walk in the love of God through studying our Catholic Faith, performing works of mercy, praying daily, attending Mass every Sunday, and going to Confession regularly have a profound impact on your children, and we wish to help support your efforts to encourage your child(ren) to grow in the faith in the same ways. If you ever need resources to help with your faith journey as parents, we will be happy to help.
The faith formation we provide at CCE is limited to approximately one hour per week for half the year. This is not enough time to form children as disciples of Jesus. That work belongs to parents as the primary religious teachers of their children. For that reason, you are the ones who prepare your child(ren) and judge when it is time for them to request the Sacraments. We can assist you in educating and evaluating your child(ren), but we cannot prepare them for you.
To help you in your duties as parents, we will have special workshops throughout the year focused on Christian parenting, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
Please browse our page to find out more about the programs and activities we offer the youth of our parish! May God bless you on your journey in faith formation.
New to the Parish? Click here for more.
About Faith Formation
Activities for Children and Youth